Our goal on the LawNext Directory is to provide high quality, informational, and educational content for the legal community, in order to help legal professionals make better purchase decisions and stay informed of current trends and news.
We welcome contributions from all members of the legal community, and encourage you to submit product reviews and comparisons about legal technology products, trend analyses, and technology overviews.
Contributing content to LawNext is a way to not only help the legal community, but to further your reach and reputation by reaching new eyes. Each contributor is given a biography page, and may contribute content as often as they would like, which will appear on the directory based on the tags it is given.
To see examples of the kinds of content submitted by our contributors, scroll to the bottom of this page to view sample articles, our contributor list, and current content..
1. Before you begin, make sure to read our content guidelines (below) so that you can keep them in mind while writing your article.
2. Before submitting your article, make sure to have your topic approved by our editors using the "Submit your Pitch" button below. If it's your first time submitting content to us, you will also be asked to give us some information about yourself for use on your bio page.
3. In 1-3 business days, we'll send you an email letting you know that we have approved of your topic. If it's been three days and you haven't heard from us, feel free to reach out to directory@lawnextmedia.com (make sure to check your spam folder first).
3. Once your idea has been approved, you can submit your article using this submission link, or the button below.
4. Please allow our editors 3-5 business days to review your article before publication. If it's been five days and you haven't heard from us, feel free to reach out to directory@lawnextmedia.com (make sure to check your spam folder first).
5. We'll send you an email notifying you as soon as your article has been published so that you can begin sharing your contribution.
1. Original Content. Your submission must be an original piece, not published elsewhere. If you would like to submit an article previously published elsewhere, your article title and body must be substantially changed from the original publication.
2. Copyright & Co-Authors. You agree not to submit any work for which you do not own the copyright, nor any work that contains plagiarized material. Furthermore, if an article you submit has a co-author, you must have their permission to submit the content and you will also be asked to provide their bio information.
3. Length. Articles should be a minimum of 1600 words.
4. No promoted or sponsored content. Articles should not be written for the purpose of promoting a specific product, service or organization.
5. Topic. Articles are displayed on our website in connection with the topics and keywords associated with them. While you are not required to submit your article on a specific topic, understanding our website taxonomy may help you to structure your ideas. You'll be able to review our topics and keywords when submitting your article, but our three main topic options are:
5. Citations. If you cite any surveys or publications in your article, please include any citations in the footnote.
6. Images. Please include any images or formatting inside your article as you would like it to be published.
7. Right to Edit. LawNext reserves the right to make edits to your article. LawNext will not substantially change your article in doing so.
Product Reviews & Overviews
HotDocs Review 2023: The Next Generation: Author and Advance
2023 Review: Worldox Document Management System
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